Free Covid-19 Bible Resources For Children
These are difficult times, but we who follow Jesus are assured He is with us always. Thank you for wanting to continue to share that Good News with the children and families you serve. We have assembled this collection of free printable church activity sheets and games to help you bring some joy to this challenging time.
We pray these resources may help in your ministry,
The Children’s Worship Bulletins Team
Click on the links below to download activity pages for your children
(No email address required!)
These activity pages for older and younger children include a story guide you can read together.
Do Not Worry Lesson and Activity Sheets
Faith in the Son of God Lesson and Activity Sheets
Fruit of the Spirit Lesson and Activity Sheets
Children’s Bulletins have 4 puzzles in each centered around a story of the bible. Its fun to work the puzzles and learn what the bible says at the same time.
Jesus Keeps You Strong Bulletins
Rejoice in the Lord Always Bulletins
God Our Dwelling Place Bulletins
Want more? Here are a few more of our favorite activity pages.
Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team
Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.