Free Printable Birthday Cards for Kids

When you’re a kid, nothing is quite as exciting as a birthday! The excitement and anticipation of these special days can bring joy to kids and adults alike.
Sometimes it’s not practical or appropriate to send a birthday gift, which is why we created these free printable cards.
Our cards are a simple and memorable way to say “Happy Birthday” to a friend or family member. Because the traditional, printable birthday card template is super hard to fold correctly and we seem to never have the right sized envelopes, we built these cards as postcard templates. That means you can just print them out, cut them out, color them, add postage and drop them in the mail with minimal fuss.
If you’re excited to get started with our printable Happy Birthday cards, skip to the download!
Make it special with a homemade birthday card.
We had our favorite junior product tester, Lillian (Age 7), test coloring these cards.
She found that the ones printed on cardstock worked the best. She had lots of fun coloring using highlighters and markers. She even thought glitter would be a great decoration option, but her dad worried that the mail-person might disagree.
No matter how your little artist chooses to decorate their handmade card, we know that these cards will bring joy to the recipient. We think these handmade cards are a much nicer option than an online birthday ecard because they have the personal touch only a homemade birthday card can create.
Use cards at home or in your children’s ministry.
We came up with a multitude of ideas for how these cards can be used. It’s an easy project at home and in your Sunday school classroom. It’s a great way to recognize birthdays of elder members in your family or your congregation who would benefit from having a lovingly colored card. You could consider it a regular monthly activity where the children in your congregation color cards for those who have a birthday in that month.
Having the kids hand them out between services is a great way to get the younger generation interacting with their elders. The only supplies you need for this project are something to color the cards with and scissors to cut them out. These free cards would work great as a party invitation, as well as a card to go with a birthday gift.
Here’s an extra fun bonus — free printable greeting cards!
Our team of artists was having so much fun creating our birthday greeting card collection, they went above and beyond and created a collection of printable greeting cards, too!
This general set of 4 cards contains four different messages, so your children can create a DIY card for any situation. This set is postcard style as well. We recommend keeping a few of each design printed out and ready to color as the need arises.
These cards are great for adults as well as for kids. Our favorite coloring method is to paint the cards with watercolor paints: we find the soft, muted tones work really well with the line drawings and illustrations.
These cards make a great Sunday school or children’s church activity. Have the kids color a card for each member or family and then have them hand out the cards before or after worship services. This will not only help build a sense of community, but it will bring joy to those who don’t have an opportunity to interact with the youth of the church on a regular basis. Expect these cards to find a place of honor on refrigerators and notice boards of those who receive them.
We would love to hear how you’re using these cards, so please feel free to tag us on Facebook or Instagram.
Free downloads are here!
No email address required! These cards are our gift to you. We hope they can bring a bit more joy into the world and help teach the important lesson of showing love and care for others. Just click the links below to download and print today. You’ll find the cards are available in PDF, Microsoft Word, and Microsoft Publisher formats.
Download the Printable Happy Birthday Cards – PDF
Download the Printable Happy Birthday Cards – Word
Download the Printable Happy Birthday Cards – Publisher
Don’t forget to also download the Free Printable Greeting Cards as well. See links below PDF, DOCX and PUB formats!
Download the Printable Greeting Cards – PDF
Download the Printable Greeting Cards – Word
Download the Printable Greeting Cards – Publisher
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Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team
Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.