Free Bible Games for Kids

Scripture instructs us to raise up children in the “training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4), and traditional classroom lessons certainly play an important role in that. But for young, impressionable learners, some of the most effective methods of absorbing key facts and timeless truths are also the most fun. Free Bible games for kids help Sunday school teachers, children’s ministers, and parents share the good news of Scripture in a variety of creative, positive ways.

Maybe your church or children’s ministry uses age-appropriate bulletins or printable Bible games as handouts. These often feature kid-friendly Bible trivia, Bible activities, a fun puzzle or Bible quiz, Bible crafts, and other Sunday school games. Ideally, these activities engage children in a Bible story, cover a variety of Old Testament and New Testament passages, tie into content that other family members are learning from God’s Word that week, and encourage Bible memory or further reading.
Each Bible lesson or game usually ties into a Sunday school lesson or children’s sermon. Plus, the passages from God’s Word come directly from an easy-to-read—and easy-to-understand—children’s Bible.
Bible games and activities come in a variety of formats. Some are more solitary and sedentary, while others encourage cooperation and interaction. When you want to harness kids’ energy and make a Bible activity hands-on, step beyond a paper-and-pencil puzzle and send kids outside—or at least out of their chairs. Going on a learning-filled Bible adventure is simpler than you might think!
Why a Scripture scavenger hunt is a go-to Bible game.
One type of Bible verse game that’s a hit among active kids and families is a Scripture scavenger hunt. These fun Bible activities work well in a variety of settings, from children’s church or midweek worship to fun family devotional times at home.
A Bible scavenger hunt can get kids outside among nature and fresh air, weather permitting. And the built-in lesson plan is easy to adapt to your specific environment, time frame, and children’s needs.
Best of all, a Bible verse scavenger hunt is based on God’s Word and reinforces the importance of reading Scripture and practicing Bible verse memorization. Kids can go on a fun seek-and-find mission, using their senses to interact with all kinds of Bible-related items. A scavenger hunt might teach about a trait of the Christian life, for example. Or it might direct participants to first solve a puzzle or trivia questions and then locate corresponding objects.
After completing the Bible verse scavenger hunt—whether individually, in pairs or in teams—everyone can gather for a recap time of Bible study, discussion and prayer. Leaders also can challenge children to learn a memory verse or two from the scavenger hunt list.
Try our FREE Bible games for kids!
Because fun Bible games for kids have such powerful potential to nurture young hearts and faith, our team created some free nature-themed Bible verse scavenger hunt materials you can download and share.
Read on to learn more about the two editions now available for immediate free download. Discover all the ways you can use these fun Bible activities to share God’s Word and teach children a lesson about applying Scripture to their daily lives.
Explore creation and God’s Word at the same time.
One of the first Bible lessons children learn in Sunday school—and the first story recorded in Scripture—is the story of Creation. After forming the sky, seas and land, God fills them with plants, animals and then people. In Genesis, God declares his creation good and tells humans to take care of the world as his stewards.
Throughout the Bible, God refers to nature, using everyday outdoor objects as examples and metaphors. In the New Testament, Jesus often teaches in parables, pointing to readily available items such as soil and seeds to drive home important, eternal lessons.
Our Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt takes a similar approach, sending children out on an adventure to find various items that God created and mentions in his Word. The hands-on activities combine sensory action with the thrill of games such as “Hide & Seek” and “I Spy.”
Here is an overview of how the activity works.
Two editions are available, both filled with Bible verses from the Old and New Testaments. Download and print copies of the age-level edition that best fits your kids.
- The Junior edition features 6 Bible verses, written out completely, with one nature-item word in bold. Teachers and parents can read aloud each verse and tell children which item to go find. This edition is ideal for preschoolers, pre-K students and even some lower-elementary kids.
- The Regular edition contains 12 verses, each with a fill-in-the-blank word. Children can look up the Scripture references in their Bibles to locate the missing nature-themed words before setting out to locate those items. This edition works well for most elementary students, although some may need assistance looking up Bible verses.
More tips for a successful Bible Verse Scavenger Hunt.
These free, downloadable Bible games for kids are straightforward and sure to delight young learners. For the best possible experience, use these insider tips:
- We recommend using NIV (New International Version) Bibles for easy-to-understand wording.
- Depending on the season and your location, you may need to bring the Bible scavenger hunt indoors. Simply hide the nature-related objects around your classroom, Sunday school area or home.
- If certain items aren’t readily available, buy them—or print a photo of them from the internet—and hide those instead. For example, a craft feather can serve as a fun substitute for a “real” bird feather.
- Provide additional hints if children can’t find something or get frustrated. In fact, feel free to adapt the material to meet children’s needs and learning styles.
- Depending on your children’s ages, abilities and interests, you can have them set out on the scavenger hunt as a class or family. Other alternatives include forming pairs or small groups. Older kids can hunt for clues on their own and may enjoy turning this Bible activity into a friendly competition. Then again, they may enjoy cooperating with other team members. Just make the experience fun so it’s memorable and positive.
- After everyone completes this Bible verse game, be sure to gather and debrief. Talk about what the experience was like, how the nature items reveal the truth of each Scripture verse, and what we can learn from the passages.
- Encourage children to choose one or more Bible verses from the activity list to memorize. Or use the entire list as your Sunday school or home-devotions memory-work guide for the next few weeks or months.
Download the FREE Bible Verse Hunt Games.
Click the links below to download the Free Bible Verse Hunt Games in PDF format. Be sure to also download the Leader Guide PDF to take these instructions with you on-the-go.
Bible Verse Hunt Game Junior Edition PDF
Bible Verse Hunt Game Regular Edition PDF
Bible Verse Hunt Game Leader Guide PDF
We hope you’re excited to head out on a Scripture scavenger hunt with children. And we’d love to hear about your experiences with using these free Bible games for kids. Send an email to us at We may share your ideas with parents and other kidmin leaders!
If you’re interested in more Bible Verse Hunt Games – learn about our 10 edition, downloadable packet for just $9.99.
Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team
Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.