Fun Activities for your Children to do at Home

Sidewalk Scripture
Write uplifting scriptures on your sidewalk or the end of your driveway. Or anywhere you think neighbors might see them and smile. A few we liked, but there are so many more!
1 John 4:19 – We love because he first loved us.
Psalm 56:3 – When I am afraid I put my trust in you.
Philippians 4:13 – I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
James 1:17 – Every good and perfect gift is from above.
Bible Verses Journal
One of our team member’s came up with this for her daughter, and we thought it was a wonderful idea. The idea is for each day, have your child pick a favorite Bible verse and write it down. Then if they are old enough, encourage them to explain why it’s their favorite. Then on the next page, have them cut out pictures from old magazines or draw a picture that goes along with the verse.
Here she has picked, “God said, let the water [teem] with living creatures…”
Genesis 1:20
Rainbow Windows
This idea has been circulating Facebook a good bit but we thought it was so good we wanted to share it with you. The message of salvation in the rainbow to share with everyone to see! #aworldofhearts
Cut out some hearts of colors of the rainbow and tape them to your window. You can used colored paper or color the hearts yourself. Its fun to add scenes for Easter or words like “Faith, Hope and Love”. Include a sun or come up with your own fun ideas!
Find more like this on our Facebook page! We’ll continue to add more ideas.
Bridge the Gap
Bridge the gap between the youth and senior adults in your church. Now that schools and other activities are shuttered, there’s no better time than now to challenge your youth with a mission. Pair a young person in your church with a senior adult member. Ask your youth to call them and learn more about their life and work. Help your youth create questions to ask during these calls. Then have your young people to type up a report of what they have learned through these conversations. Taking the time to learn more about our older generations can yield multiple benefits not only for the young, but for your senior adults members as well, who are especially vulnerable during this time.
Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team
Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.