Guiding Children Through Tragedy: Faith After Hurricanes Helene and Milton

Guiding Children Through Tragedy with Faith

As we witness the heartbreaking devastation caused by recent hurricanes, our hearts go out to all those affected. In North Carolina, which is dealing with its most impactful weather event ever, the destruction has been described as of “Biblical proportions.” Portions of Florida and other southern states are also reeling from Hurricanes Helene and Milton.  

With the death toll rising, loved ones still missing, and homes and businesses lost, we can’t help but reflect on the deep fear and sorrow that is gripping so many. In times like these, the words of Scripture ring truer than ever—hearts are failing them for fear (Luke 21:26). 

As children’s ministry workers, we face the daunting question: How can we offer comfort to the children in our care as they experience, hear about, and grapple with this terrible event—and others like it that may come? 

Just as countless generations before us, we can turn to God’s Word for the solace we need, both for ourselves and the children we guide. Scripture reminds us over and over of the incredible power of God’s presence with us, even in the darkest of times. 

Do not be afraid, for I am with you… This beautiful and timeless thread runs from Genesis through to the New Testament, giving us a sense of God’s constant companionship. When everything else seems uncertain, we can rely on this truth: God is with us, offering strength, courage, and hope in the face of fear. 

God spoke these same words to Jacob, Moses, and Joshua, and the prophets echoed that message. Then Jesus reassured us once more: “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). With this comfort, we can place our fear and uncertainty in God’s hands. We can move forward knowing that no matter what happens, God is by our side—strengthening, encouraging, and giving us the faith to keep going. 

Teacher Tips 

When discussing painful events with children, focus on hope and resilience. Encourage kids to think of ways they can help others who are suffering, especially fellow children affected by the storms. 

Family Praying While Lying On Bed At Home
  • Share a story of faith in difficult times. Use Bible stories that show how trust in God brings people through trials. For example, in Exodus 3:12, when Moses worried about the monumental task ahead, God assured him with the words, “I will be with you.” 
  • Create a practical way to help. Have materials ready for children to make cards for kids in shelters or churches in the affected areas. This simple but meaningful gesture helps them feel connected as they offer comfort. 
  • Pray together. Take a moment to sit and pray for the people impacted, as well as the workers tirelessly providing aid. Invite children to offer their own prayers, giving them a personal way to express compassion. Here’s a sample prayer you can use: Dear Jesus, Please watch over all the people who were in the path of these hurricanes. Show them your love and give them your peace. Please provide food, water, clothes, and shelter for people affected by the storms. Comfort them and let them know you are always with them. Also guide and protect everyone who’ s working to rescue and rebuild. In Jesus’ name, amen. 
  • Encourage ideas for support. Ask children how they’d like to help, whether by organizing a fundraiser like a pancake breakfast or coming up with creative ways to raise money for neighbors in need. 
  • Distribute this free resource about God at work. Give or send these Bible activities to children, especially to those who can’t attend church due to the recent storms. Here is a free resource for you to download and share with your members and their children.

Empowering children to act, even in small ways, gives them a sense of purpose and connection during difficult times. 

To our beloved children’s ministry workers in hurricane-affected areas and beyond: Please know our prayers are with you. Remember Jesus’ words: “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). 

I am with you always

How You Can Help 

If you feel called to contribute directly to relief efforts, consider supporting reputable disaster-relief organizations. These groups are often on the front lines, providing critical support and resources. On their websites, you can find more information about their efforts and see how your contributions make a real difference. 

  1. Samaritan’s Purse 
    This well-known Christian organization provides emergency relief, supplies, food, and assistance to communities affected by disasters, including hurricanes and other natural events. They also offer long-term recovery programs with a strong foundation in sharing the Gospel. 
  1. World Vision 
    World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, is dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to tackle the root causes of poverty and injustice. In disaster zones, they provide emergency aid such as food, water, and shelter. 
  1. Convoy of Hope 
    This faith-based organization provides disaster-relief services, including food, water, medical supplies, and shelter to people in need. They have a strong Christian foundation and work closely with churches and faith communities to mobilize resources. 
  1. Catholic Relief Services 
    Catholic Relief Services is a global humanitarian organization that helps with disaster response, providing food, shelter, and long-term assistance. Although Catholic in affiliation, they serve people based on need, not religion, and focus on promoting peace and justice. 
  1. Lutheran World Relief 
    Also a Christian organization, Lutheran World Relief provides sustainable development and disaster relief worldwide. Their work includes distributing emergency supplies, rebuilding homes, and supporting livelihoods after disasters. 
  1. The Salvation Army 
    The Salvation Army, a Christian organization, offers emergency disaster services, including shelter, food, and emotional and spiritual care for people affected by hurricanes and other disasters. Their teams are often some of the first to respond to major events. 

Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team

Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.

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