Ways to share your bulletins during Covid-19

Looking for ways to share the bulletins with your members during this time?
Here are a few ways to ensure your little members still get their weekly bulletin!
Email the bulletins to the parents (or all members even!) every week.
Simply download the PDF of the bulletin(s) and send via email.
Subscribe to the paper version? Not to worry, you are still able to download the PDF free of charge from our website for easy emailing. If you’ve never logged into the website before, check out our Help article: How to Log in to Children’s Worship Bulletins.
Not a member to Children’s Worship Bulletins? Start now here!
Include in Mailed Activity Packets.
Kids are lonely, anxious and missing their friends from school and church too! Sending Activity Packets are a great way to add some joy to your little members’ day and remind them of God’s love.
Post our FREE content to your social media and website.
Even though you can’t post your current bulletins to your social media and website, we’ve created free content with sharing in mind during this time! Be sure to check it out here: Free Church Lessons, Bulletins and Activity Sheets for Children.
Provide Porch Pickup at the church.
You may already have other items available on your porch or breezeway for pickup such as Sunday school books or monthly devotionals, so don’t forget to include copies of the bulletins!
We pray that any material you share via email, mail, or online will strengthen the families, and especially the young disciples, with whom you work.
Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team
Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.