Summer Resources for Families & Churches

Every summer there is always a buzz of excitement as parents and children’s ministry volunteers and leaders get ready to host summer Bible schools, camps, and outreach family days. And, after the last couple of years, it’s been refreshing to see how churches are coming together to figure out plans to be able to welcome children in their church and community in this much-loved setting. The energy is contagious!
However, we know that some churches and families still are not able to go back to a traditional vacation Bible school setting. One thing we learned from Covid-19 and 2020 is how lonely it can be when circumstances outside your control prevent you or your little ones from participating in these exciting summer activities with friends.
That’s why we’ve compiled a list of resources – some you can do at home or in a smaller church setting – to help keep your children in God’s Word all summer long.
Reading Plans for Kids
If you have a little reader in your family or a circle of children you minister to, a reading plan may be the perfect summer activity for you.
Here are some of our favorite reading plans (for adults and children):
Free Bible reading plans | Children’s Worship Bulletins Blog
Bible Reading Challenge – Magnify Him Together
Kids Bible Reading Plans | Crossway Articles
And even though some of these specifically say “summer”, they can easily be adapted for any month of the year.
Staycation Bible School
For those families and children that are unable to join VBS, Church Camp, Summer Awana clubs, family days or even Sunday worship services, consider hosting a staycation Bible school kids can do from home.
If you’re a parent, you can sit down and spend time reading your children’s Bible. Make it fun, play dress up, or complete a Bible craft or game together.
If you are a children’s ministry leader, you can send videos and/or material to parents to help them enjoy their staycation.
Be sure to check out our Staycation Bible School Lessons from the Letters of the Apostles. This kit is only $9.99 for the download that comes with 5 full lessons, crafts, and activities! What’s also nice about this product is that the material is not seasonally based, so you can use it any time of year – it’s perfect when you need focused lessons for Bible study.
Children’s Bible Signs Kit (Creation-Joseph is another great resource for hosting a summer camp from your living room. Children’s Bible Signs is an innovative and fun way to help preschool- and elementary-age children connect with Bible stories in a real and powerful way by incorporating Baby Sign into each lesson. This kit option is a little more expensive ($54.80 plus shipping), but the kit includes flashcards, a separate coloring book, a teacher’s guide, and a Book of Memory verses.
Just remember, staycation Bible schools don’t need to be anything fancy! You can even start small (just 20 minutes a day) and build up as you need to.
Bible-based, Printable Activity Sheets
Bible activity sheets are perfect for VBS, Sunday morning bulletin inserts, children’s church supplements, mid-week Bible classes, or for just a rainy-day activity at home.
Here are some Scriptural-based activity sheets with fun-filled puzzles that are sure to capture the attention of any child:
Fun Bible Activities for Your Children To Do at Home
Free Scripture Placemats for Kids and Adults
Just For Kids Bible Puzzles – Volume 3
Heroes of the Old Testament Children’s Bulletins and Activities
Pinterest Boards
Pinterest has become one of our go-to resources for craft ideas, object lessons, and games for kids.
Don’t forget to check out our Children’s Worship Bulletins Pinterest page for ideas and resources to keep your children’s ministry thriving and active during these late summer months and into the fall back-to-school bustle.
We pray continually for your children’s ministry and hope that our products and resources provide you the tools you need to help keep your children in God’s Word.
Author Bio:
Children's Bulletins Team
Over the years of publication Children’s Worship Bulletins has had many contributing authors and editors. This team has worked diligently to thoughtfully craft material to assist in creating meaningful children’s worship materials.